Torco Supply Company Inc. supplies blinds to the Petrochemical and all other industries throughout the country. With over 10,000 isolation and hydrostatic blinds in our inventory we would be happy to supply all your needs for your next turnaround.
We also provide Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Bleeder Blinds, Bleed Rings and Orifice Plates.

All blinds are designed to the pressure / temperature combinations specified for a flange according to ANSI B16.5. Thickness is calculated using Formula 16 page 23 Section 304.5.3 Petroleum Refining Piping ANSI B31.3—1973 ASME.
Painted, Ground Finished, Color Coded, and Stamped.
516 Grade 70 Material
5/16” Standard Isolation Blinds in Stock
Hydrostatic Test Blinds in Stock
Color Coded for Easy Identification
Painted With Rust Inhibitor
Ground Edges for Safe Handling
Stamped With Line Size and Class
Bleeder Blinds
Developed as requested from a local refinery. The bleeder blind is a standard blind of adequate thickness, machined with a middle port and bottom threaded port on the outer diameter of the blind to allow for a valve bleed connection.
Available in all line sizes and classes.
Standard bottom port size is 1/8” NPT